
(Note: This post is being regularly updated with new information as more Americans begin to take action.)

It’s on. This is a coup – a full-blown takeover of the US government by a fascist dictator. It’s being engineered by the richest man in the world, who now has access to the US Treasury and the personal records of every American. Democrats are trying to use the courts to hold back the tsunami of authoritarianism, but the legal system may not be able to move fast enough. And even if court rulings go against Trump, it’s far from certain that the administration will comply. In fact, I think it’s a better-than-even chance they won’t.

Thus ends democracy. If Trump cannot be stopped by the courts or by Congress, our last recourse then may be to take to the streets. If so, Trump will undoubtedly invoke the Insurrection Act, which gives him virtually unlimited power, including the ability to use the military against the American people. Game over.

Drastic measures are called for now, if it’s not already too late.

Rather than creating a list of the brazen violations of law (which will undoubtedly change by the time you reads this), below are some of my suggestions of what we all can do at this most crucial moment.

  1. Listen/Watch Free Speech TV – Between the “both sides-ism” of the major networks and the knee-jerk, repetitive “if it moves, we air it” coverage by the cable networks, the dismantling of our government is not getting the coverage it desperately needs. (Fox News viewers may not even be aware of it at all.) FreeSpeech TV’s Stephanie Miller (9 AM – noon EST) is brilliant and funny, Thom Hartmann (noon – 3 PM) is a national treasure and Randi Rhodes (3 – 5 PM) gives voice to the outrage we’re all feeling. Get the news and get it straight – while you still can.
  2. Turn up the heat on GOP Senators (and PA Senator John Fetterman) – 5 Calls is a great resource for one-stop-shopping to contact your Senators and House representatives; they even supply scripts for you. And at the bottom of this post is a list of GOP Senators up for re-election in 2026, in order of their margin of victory. Note how close some of the races were. Senators pay little attention to non-constituents, so if you have friends or family in any of the states in question, ask them to tell their Senator to vote for democracy, instead of Trump and his fascist agenda. Call call call. Or, better yet, visit their offices. That will get their attention.
  3. Turn Up the Heat on House Members – Again, check out 5 Calls. Republicans currently hold a razor-thin 218 to 215 margin in the House. That means that if just two GOP House members vote with Democrats, it could throw a wrench into the Trump budgetary agenda to destroy major government programs and hand more money to billionaires. Call your representative. Or, better yet, visit them. You can find his/her contact info here. Call call call.

    Note: If you prefer to write a letter, be aware that all letters to Congress are first screened for anthrax, so they take six weeks to be delivered. Postcards go straight through. So if you decide to write, try to fit your message on a postcard.
  4. Total Social Opprobrium of Trump Supporters – I love the word “opprobrium.” It’s defined as “the public disgrace arising from someone’s shameful conduct.” Now’s the time for it. There’s no excuse for being a Trump supporter, particularly now that his intentions are plain for all to see. As Mary Trump says:
    “We must remember, that everything they do, whether it’s their passive acceptance or their active harm, is a direct threat against us and our hopes for what this country could be or could have been.

    Kick sand in their faces. Throw a wrench in the gears. Bring everything to a grinding halt if you have to. The only time is now.”
    Defriend them. Block them. Hang up on them. And tell them why, in no uncertain terms. (Before you’ve hung up the phone, of course.) I like the idea of throwing a party and inviting everyone you know. Then disinvite the Trump supporters, letting them know why. Actions have consequences. There’s a price to pay for betraying your country. Now they need to live with it.
  5. Get involved. Take action. Join a group. There’s,,, Field Team 6 and for starters. The Goods Unite Us is a resource to “vote with your wallet” by purchasing only from companies who share your values. And Choose Democracy has a comprehensive list of what you can do. The one thing you can’t do? Nothing. There’s no excuse for inaction. None whatsoever.
  6. Ask your Representatives to take the Social Security Pledge – Trump pledged that he wouldn’t cut Social Security or Medicare, and most Republicans did the same. Republican budget plans show this was a bald-faced lie. (Are you surprised?) Go to and sign the pledge to try to hold Republicans’ feet to the fire as they try to steal your hard-earned benefits.
  7. Sound the Alarm – Reach out to others. Talk to friends, family, or even other members of religious organizations you may belong to. Even though someone may support Republican priorities, the way to implement policy in a democracy is by democratic means, not by authoritarian decree. Republicans have control of all three branches of government; they can pass laws legally. They don’t have to destroy democracy to get what they want.

What’s next? Watch for a purge of military leadership and the installation of officers who are willing to pledge their allegiance to Trump. Then will come the silencing of media outlets who report news deemed unfavorable to the administration. (With the investigation of PBS and NPR, as well as the acquiescence of ABC and CBS, this is already happening.)

Musk’s Information Heist

The access granted Elon Musk to US Treasury data should scare the living shit out of every American. The administration has made attempts to partially walk back the data breach by saying that Musk was granted “read only” access, but it doesn’t really matter. Musk has undoubtedly already downloaded everything, so he now has Social Security numbers, tax data and personal information for millions of Americans.

This is the richest man in the world, who has a staff of cybersecurity experts at his disposal. Musk is also in league with Vladimir Putin, who is behind the largest cybercriminal operation in history. And if that’s not enough to totally freak you out, don’t forget that Musk is also a major cryptocurrency player, meaning that any financial transactions he or his associates are involved with are almost certainly untraceable. Call the FBI? Surely you jest. (And don’t call me Shirley.)

The potential ramifications are stunning. First off, how much do you think cybercriminals would be willing to pay for just some of the data now in Musk’s possession? Or say, for example, there’s a case in front of a federal judge who finds suddenly – and inexplicably – that a second mortgage has been taken out on his house and that all his credit cards are maxed.

Now how about if the same thing happens to his son? And his daughter. How long do you think it would take for other judges to get the message?

Or here’s another idea: how’s about cutting off Medicaid payments… but to “blue” states only. Or how about cutting Social Security payments… but just to registered Democrats?

The one thing we can say with certainty is that what Trump’s doing is not only worse than we imagine; it’s worse than we can imagine. Get used to it. These are sick, twisted, hateful people. Normal people just don’t think this way. But normal people can stop it.

The one slim hope we have is for a few Republicans to stand up to Trump. Only a few. It would take fewer than five in the Senate, and only two in the House. Some Republicans with spine. Just a little bit. It would take fewer than ten Republicans putting country over party, out of the 271 GOP Senators and House members. That’s all. Will any Republican stand up for 250 years of democracy? Anyone?

GOP Senators Up for Re-Election in 2026

Below is a list of GOP Senators who are up for re-election in 2026, in order of winning margin. Thom Tillis is most vulnerable, followed by Susan Collins, etc.

Senators pay little attention to non-constituents, so if you’re not a constituent, you should ask friends and family who live in the appropriate state to call their senator and tell them to stand up against Trump’s illegal power grab. (Pressure should also be put on Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, who has voted for Trump nominees.)

Calling is much better than email, and showing up at their offices is better still. Links go to office locations and include phone numbers in almost all cases.

StatePartisan Voting IndexSenatorLast election
North CarolinaR+3Thom Tillis48.69% R
MaineD+2Susan Collins50.98% R
IowaR+6Joni Ernst51.74% R
KansasR+10Roger Marshall53.22% R
TexasR+5John Cornyn53.51% R
AlaskaR+8Dan Sullivan53.90% R
MississippiR+11Cindy Hyde-Smith54.11% R
South CarolinaR+8Lindsey Graham54.44% R
MontanaR+11Steve Daines55.01% R
KentuckyR+16Mitch McConnell57.76% R
LouisianaR+12Bill Cassidy59.32% R
AlabamaR+15Tommy Tuberville60.10% R
OklahomaR+20Markwayne Mullin61.77% R
TennesseeR+14Bill Hagerty62.20% R
NebraskaR+13Pete Ricketts62.58% R
IdahoR+18Jim Risch62.62% R
South DakotaR+16Mike Rounds65.74% R
ArkansasR+16Tom Cotton66.53% R
West VirginiaR+22Shelley Moore Capito70.28% R
WyomingR+25Cynthia Lummis71.13% R
Florida (special)R+3Ashley MoodyAppointed (2025)
Ohio (special)R+6Jon HustedAppointed (2025)
Most Vulnerable GOP House Members

From the Cook Political Report, below are the eight Republican House members from districts rated toss-up Republican. (If you’re not sure, you can find your Representative here.)

The only way it will be possible to fund Musk’s massive tax cuts for billionaires will be to slash programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid or eliminate them entirely. It will take only a few Republican House members to stop him. With many Trump voters receiving benefits, GOP House members are terrified of the issue, so pressure here can really make a difference.

Congressmembers pay little attention to non-constituents, so if you’re not a constituent, you should ask friends and family who live in the appropriate district to call their Representative and give them hell. While they’re at it, they can ask them if they’ve signed the Social Security Pledge.

Calling is much better than email, and showing up at their offices is better still. Links go to office locations and include phone numbers in almost all cases.

DistrictPartisan Voting IndexRepresentativeLast election
AZ-01R+2David Schweikert51.9% R
AZ-06R+3Juan Ciscomani50.0% R
CO-08EVENGabe Evans49.0% R
IA-01R+3Mariannette Miller-Meeks50.1% R
MI-07R+2Tom Barrett50.3% R
NE-02EVENDon Bacon50.9% R
PA-07R+2Ryan Mackenzie50.5% R
PA-10R+5Scott Perry50.6% R

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